Photo by Michelle Mishina
ALOHA MĀ is one of the first “characteristics” uttered in this oli helu by way of the founder of the contemporary lineage, Mahat. Although 20,000 years may seem ancient and archaic, Mahat is considered the founder of the “contemporary lineage” because thats where our story begins. We know this line spans far beyond 18,000B.C, yet Mahat became the relative who resurrected the lineage after a likely planetary cataclysm plunged humanity in the Ē, or “forgotten time.” This ē likely lasted thousands of years before humanity began to piece their memories back together.
Ke’oni was fortunate to become hanaid (adopted), at birth, by his maternal grandmother Kau’ikeonalani, and spent the first 5 years of his life immersed in ancient practice and mysticism. He is just one of only a handful of practitioners who have access and are willing to share this ancient archaic knowledge, or pre-flood wisdom.
Pua’aehuehu, Fern Medicine, or emotional intelligence, is one aspect of this wisdom, and highlights what he expresses today. This is the legacy of his lineage. Fern Medicine is the awareness of the movement of emotions, and the release from control fixation. Ke’oni is also versed in ancient primal, meditative, and movement practices, such as ‘Ulu, which incite cellular memory, DNA activation, and the comprehension of familial and lineal wisdom through the reading of the spinal cord, nervous system, and DNA.
Most importantly, perhaps, is that one of the first indoctrinations Ke’oni received, by his grandmother, is exactly why you may find yourself reading this right now – ALOHA MĀ. Before he was 5 years old, Ke’oni experienced the same methods of exploration you have committed to in this Congress. Blessed be the ALOHA MĀ.
In this beginning ‘ulu practice I found myself in a transcendental experience traveling through a portal of wombs, all the wombs before me that had created mine. Flying through this vortex I could hear all the stories of my lineage, the pains, the shame, the guilt, the limitations, the contractions. I heard myself say to them: I hear you and I DECIDE! A phrase many of us have heard uttered from Brother Ke’oni. It was in that moment his leadership filtered into my experience that supported me to claim my sovereignty and my memory of my purpose in this experiment. This “I Decide” was a declaration! No longer to carry these patterns as I did not come here to continue a story of separation by way of amnesia. This was all happening telepathically of course, within seconds, within my consciousness. All while this experience was happening… there were 7 ancestors behind brother encouraging me to locate the word apprentice!! Clearly I was having a HUGE activation and I completed that 3 Hour workshop with a lot of Integration work to be done.
6 weeks post that event I had come the next workshop in O’ahu. I shared this experience with Brother, he paused me for a moment and shared with me that Sister Marni had asked him if he was going to share his lineage teachings with anyone and stated that I was the first person who came to his vision. It was that moment I now recognize the weaving of Aloha Mā.
I assisted Brother Ke’oni for the first time on the 1/11/2020 portal and have been in apprenticeship, mentorship, and co-facilitiation over the last 2.5 years.
The Inner discovery of Aloha Mā is a decision, a choice, a devotion, a commitment, a relationship, an agreement chosen in each moment. The ability to met the self, to witness, to observe, to be present with, to participate, to nourish, to discipline, to love myself completely, to be in union.
This journey requires the above ^ to move with grace through each of the energy centers, in the face of the shadows to expose and receive what is most sacred.
Aloha Mā is efficient, this self reflective love awareness lets me know immediately where I am moment to moment. If I am choosing me, if I am abandoning me, if I am in alignment with my true frequency, or if I am in fragmentation.
Sitting in the throne of each center has become more and more friendly, as I continue to anchor, in every moment as I experience this sophisticated, yet simple relationship known as Aloha Mā.